"I'm sick and tired of hearing any more of this self-loathing, anti-western, balderdash from the accursed lips of the damned young."
- Haloge
"Poorly written and badly structured."
- Ispeak4U
"What a pompous load of old twaddle."
- JGH_Stroud
"This is absolute drivel. So much so that I have absolutely no idea what your point is."
- Ispeak4U (again)
"Rambling and poorly constructed I'm afraid, I really think you will need to write better than this."
- Augustus Gloop
"You say you don't indulge in exaggeration or hyperbole, but then go on to try to link fairly separate things. That seems to be hyperbole to me."
- Crow
"Oh dear - very badly written piece about nothing in particular."
- Ex-stroudie
"You really should start taking lessons in how to write correctly."
- JGH_Stroud
"He is simply wrong... No sane person would argue that the process [of colonialism] was ‘malign’, ie was imposed with evil intent."
- Chris Arnison
"As much as you're entitled to think this, you're wrong."
- Ispeak4U (He's back!)
"So objectivity isn't taught in university politics courses."
- Lucian Aeris
"Bradley Young, contorting himself into a pretzel trying to prove that the Earth is flat and the Moon is made of cheese. And he hopes to become a journalist. I despair. Bradley, subsaharan africa's collective average IQ is in the zone of 70. Deny facts all you like. That only makes you a science-denier irrational quasi-religious bigot. Or just grow up."
- Allen Zed
"You can't hoodwink us quite so easily."
- Salendine